First Buzz: 2018 Pieces of The Past Antiquity Edition trading cards

What: 2018 Pieces of The Past Antiquity Edition trading cards
Arrives: March
Box basics: Three hits per six-card box (10 boxes per case)

What’s buzz-worthy: Super Break once again takes a look at history with cards of notable historic figures as well as memorabilia cards with pieces from past documents and press clippings.

Keep reading for a gallery and more info.

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Meghan Markle’s autograph is found in one set as she joins Royal Family

The next member of Britain’s Royal Family was confirmed today across the pond and there’s already one autographed card — and one card only — that is the one to chase with the news.

American actress Meghan Markle is now engaged to Prince Harry and she’s got just one card appearance from the past that matters right now.

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First Buzz: 2016 TRISTAR Quest Discovery autographs


What: 2016 TRISTAR Quest Discovery autographs
2016-TRISTAR-Quest-Discovery-1Arrives: May 25
Box basics: Five envelopes per box — each with an autographed flat or memorabilia redemption inside (three boxes per case)

What’s buzz-worthy: TRISTAR is creating this one solely for breakers, giving online collectors a shot at some of the biggest autographs possible in the sports world and beyond.

Keep reading for more.

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