First Buzz: 2017 TRISTAR Hidden Treasures Football Mini Helmets

2017 TRISTAR Hidden Treasures Football Mini Helmets
Arrives: Aug. 30
Box basics: One autographed mini helmet per box

What’s buzz-worthy: TRISTAR’s Hidden Treasures football brand returns to the field for another season with some new NFL names and some of the biggest names from the past.

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First Buzz: 2016 TRISTAR Hidden Treasures Gameday Greats Football Jerseys

2016-tristar-GameDay-Greats-FB-Jersey-1 What: 2016 TRISTAR Hidden Treasures Gameday Greats Football Jerseys
Arrives: June 15
Box basics: One autographed jersey per box (five boxes per case)

What’s buzz-worthy: TRISTAR’s Hidden Treasures football brand returns with the fabric of the game — autographed jerseys of notable players that collectors can chase via an affordable blind-wrapped box.

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First Buzz: 2016 TRISTAR Hidden Treasures Football Mini Helmets

2016 TRISTAR Hidden Treasures Football Mini Helmets
Arrives: March 15
Box basics: One autographed mini helmet per box.

What’s buzz-worthy: After more than a year on the sidelines, TRISTAR’s Hidden Treasures football brand returns to the field with some extra potential twists for collectors.

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