Panini America addresses Dak Prescott autopen issue — and gives Dallas Cowboys QB an extension

A big deal has turned into a new deal.

Panini America officials have met with Dallas Cowboys QB Dak Prescott to discuss his autopenned cards in 2016 Panini Prizm and the parties walked away with a solution to replace the mechanically reproduced autographs as well as a new long-term autograph deal.

Keep reading for the full statement from Panini.

“Panini America executives and quarterback Dak Prescott met on Thursday to investigate in detail a limited quantity of Prescott-autographed trading cards that were issued as redemptions for Panini America’s 2016 NFL Prizm trading card product.

“Last week, after being contacted by an autograph authenticator and following an internal quality control process, Panini America officials determined that a small quantity of Prescott autographs received for 2016 Prizm Football may not be authentic.

“As an immediate precaution, Panini America began recalling all Prizm Football Dak Prescott autograph cards, stopping deliveries to 110 customers. Not all shipments were able to be recalled, however, and 167 cards were ultimately delivered to customers.

“It was also discovered that some of Prescott’s Prizm cards are still unaccounted for. Panini has committed to remanufacturing all the Dak Prescott Prizm Football cards, which Dak will sign to replace all the autograph cards within the Prizm collection. All the remanufactured cards for the Prizm collection autographed by Prescott will feature a special Dak Prescott hologram to differentiate the new cards.

“Panini is in the process of contacting the remaining customers affected and recalling the 2016 Prizm Football Prescott redemption cards to replace them. The company urges anyone offered a Dak Prescott autographed card not featuring the special hologram to contact Panini America immediately.

“On Thursday, Prescott and Panini America agreed to a long-term extension on his exclusive autographed trading card agreement to commit to delivering quality and authentic products to collectors. Prescott has autographed thousands of Panini America trading cards during his rookie season, has participated in multiple authenticated signing sessions and received additional card shipments throughout the year and returned them to Panini America to be incorporated into products. Prescott and his representatives have worked closely with Panini during this process since becoming aware of the discrepancies and have no knowledge of how those cards were returned to Panini.”

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5 thoughts on “Panini America addresses Dak Prescott autopen issue — and gives Dallas Cowboys QB an extension

  1. Angel Aponte July 8, 2017 / 4:27 am

    Panini America shoul issue a statement to exonerate Dak Prescott of any wrongdoing!


  2. Angel Aponte July 8, 2017 / 4:32 am

    Does this mean Dak Prescott should be exonerated? Cause he should be if you ask me!


  3. Skip Bayles July 8, 2017 / 5:17 pm

    He’s a total POS in my honest opinion ! To flippin’ lazy to do what he was paid for and ya’ll want to exonerate him….seriously. HE BROKE THE CONTRACT ! And Panini should exonerate him too ! Yo Halo girl ^^^^^^ get a clue to how it all works before you open your pie hole ~~~


  4. Joseph MacDonald July 8, 2017 / 7:08 pm

    Dak comitted a CRIME … what he did was fraud … the FBI’s “Operation Bullpen” JAILED people for the same type of forgeries!

    Dak should thank God he isn’t in jail right now!


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